Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Something fries.

I have a planned to catch up with some of my friends to have a fabulous dinner at Holland V. The place I ate called Everything with fries and indeed every single meal comes with fries! I was quite confuse what to wear and I keep changing for 1/2 hour.

So I decided to wear white trapeze shirt with my own handmade necklace. I feel quite fatty this week so instead of wearing jeans, I decide to wear a Polkadot skirt from Zara last season which i haven't use it since i bought it, hehehe...

I always love to wear outer to complete my look, so i decided to use asymmetric vest to miss matchy everything:)

My new fav shoe from River Island:)) LOVE LOVE LOVE
big hugs~~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Everything matters.

Another matters for my wardrobe is a huge chunky accessories. I have recently become a huge fan of this jewelery brand called uncommon matters. I get to know this brand through stylebubble and my heart start pounding when i saw it.

Made by porcelain coated with heavy silver and gold for the finishing. Created in porcelain-specialist town in Thuringla, Germany.

Isn't that awesome? Available in Singapore at Ben Wu Design at Mandarin Gallery 02-25. I guess i should now try to find a job than save to buy this beautiful piece:))

(all picture credits: stylebubble)

Big hugs~~

Monday, July 5, 2010

Something texture.

(credits: http://l.yimg.com)

Recently I watch Top Chef season 6 and I truly love the show. The food looks good, presentation of each chef was amazing and they all very professional. I remember that the judges like to say something about texture. For example: "The texture was great", "They is full of texture" or "The texture of the meat feel amazing".

You see that texture play important role in food as well as in fashion. As a human we need food and fashion am I right? So I decided to play a quick styling just for fun based on the idea of texture. I bought this white flower cotton lace jacket from my friend's vintage blogshop www.loveforpreloved.blogspot.com

Paired it with basic black long sleeve tee from Nikicio (Indonesian based label) and mustard mix tulle and lace knee length skirt from Rodarte for Target. Energize with a black and light grey socks from Topshop.

I got the shoe from Nine West (suede based). I like the square shape of the shoe, the chunky heel and of course the colour is lovely!

And accessories from Soubrette.
The magnificent Indonesian jewelry brand. I am so proud of it!

Big fat hugs~~

The ArCHICTecture.

I always love when it comes to a new raising designer because they give fresh ideas and boldness in their designs. I truely adore with Chau Har Lee and Helen Furber. Three of them are a shoe designer with somehow I feel that they have a same architecture touch on their designs.

(credits: http://chauharlee.com)

I found Chau Har Lee design through small section at So-en (Jap Mags). I couldn't remember which edition but the moment i saw it just a love at the first sight. I showed it to my design lecturer and he agreed with me how smart she is!


Helen Furber, a new graduate BA (Hons) from Cordwainers Footwear 2010 combine technology and sustainability. I don't understand what was her thinking but her shoes is a masterpiece. The shoe can be broken down into layers that are then recyclable or biodegradable after they have been worn and torn. My favorite part is the plastic wedges that create a renewable source of material. More information you can check to Helen Furber blog here.

Big hugs!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Squeaky Clean.

First I was inspired by the clinical look and decided to take bacteria as my main inspiration. I like to play with the clean cutting and tailoring with symmetric and asymmetric details
I have execute 5 complete outfits out of 16 designs. The colour moving from white to colourful story to represent healthy to ill feeling.

Here is the collection titled ENCAPSULATE, what do you think guys?XD

As for the 4th and 5th, I did some textile manipulation called marbling and digital printing.
The jacket below was done by digital printing and the blouse on on the 4th was the marbling on the top of different layers.

Well I hope you enjoy the collection and Big hugs ~~